Hired Hand Sale

Monthly Customer Offering

Introducing our Hired Hand Sale, a new benefit to our Hired Hand customers! Every month, we host an online-only sale with an exciting new feature - Buy Now pricing. Although only our website customers can consign, ANYONE can bid!

- Customers offer one animal at no charge & no commission each month
- Entries must be submitted by the 15th of each month
-Entries after the 15th of each month will be in the next months sale
- Animals are entered in the order received
- The sale is online bidding only and will last the entire month
-No substitutions 

We're excited to see which of your animals you include in this additional marketing and sales opportunity.

Enter your animal here!

Bid here!

Link will be available the 1st of each month

If you don't yet have a Hired Hand Website but would like to get started so you can enter your animals in our monthly sales, fill out the form below to get started! You can also email us at info@hiredhandsoftware.com or call 888-287-8554.

Inquire about a website

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is the Buy Now price the same as the seller's reserve?

No, not necessarily. While we're obviously not able to tell you a sellers' reserve price, we can tell you that typically the Buy Now price is not the same as a reserve, should the seller choose to have both. The Buy Now price is meant to be a "deal" where potential buyers are encouraged to Buy Now so that the animal doesn't risk going over the Buy Now price during normal auction bidding.

Can an animal sell for more than its Buy Now price during normal bidding?

Yes. If the Buy Now price is not taken by a seller and the increments for bidding go over the Buy Now price, the ending bidder could potentially pay more for the animal than its previous Buy Now pricing. The Buy Now price is meant to be a "deal" where potential buyers are encouraged to Buy Now so that the animal doesn't risk going over the Buy Now price during normal auction bidding.

Once the Buy Now price has increased due to bidding can I go back and buy the animal for its Buy Now price?

No. The Buy Now price is meant to be a "deal" where potential buyers are encouraged to Buy Now so that the animal doesn't risk going over the Buy Now price during normal auction bidding.

How will I know if the animal has a reserve?

If a sale animal has a reserve that has not yet been met with your current bid placed, you will receive notification(s) through our auction system that your current bid will not win the animal. The type of notification you will receive depends on your settings in our auction system. Our sale functions just like a live sale - reserves are private information and are not publicized - when the sale ends, you will know if you met the reserve or lost out on the animal. It is then up to the seller if they'd like to negotiate a price lower than their original reserve, but at that time we are no longer involved in the sale process.

How do I know where the animal I'm interested in is located?

The sellers location is listed in the sales comments as well as on their individual website that the listing directs to. We encourage you to reach out to any sellers before you bid on an animal to be sure that transportation options are to your liking. Transportation disagreements are not grounds for backing out on an online sale purchase and are required to be agreed upon between the buyer and seller directly.

How do I know what my transportation options are for any animal(s) I might purchase?

The sellers location is listed in the sales comments as well as on their individual website that the listing directs to. We encourage you to reach out to any sellers before you bid on an animal to be sure that transportation options are to your liking. Transportation disagreements are not grounds for backing out on an online sale purchase and are required to be agreed upon between the buyer and seller directly.

If I'm not a Hired Hand customer can I buy an animal?

Yes! Our sale is open for bidding and buying to anyone, regardless of their website provider. Only submitting an animal to our monthly sale is restricted to our individual breeder website customers as an added bonus to using our website software.